What's Going On At Camp A Cappella?
What's Going On At Camp A Cappella?
Camp A Cappella began yesterday at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio.

Camp A Cappella is finally in session and has hit the ground running once again at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio!
Sunday's opening night was filled with many brilliant performances, reconnecting with friends, and bonding over the connective power of vocal harmony.
This non-auditioned weeklong celebration brings together hundreds of performers, educators, and aca-fans of all ages from across the globe to work with leading professionals in the rapidly flourishing industry that is contemporary a cappella.
Set in the format of a hybrid between fun-filled summer camp and workshop-intensive musical conference, Camp A Cappella is a constant source of music making.
"We've designed Camp A Cappella to be a fun and transformative experience for all attendees regardless of their experience or skill level," said J.D. Frizzell, director of education and marketing for Camp A Cappella. "Everyone leaves talking about how it's the best week of the year!"
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Day One At Camp A Cappella
Video by Rachel Chaloub, Music from Vintage Mix, Recorded by Tony HuertaCampers Arriving!
Sunday's opening night was filled with many brilliant performances, reconnecting with friends, and bonding over the connective power of vocal harmony.
Barbershop Harmony Society 2016 Champions Forefront Quartet Perform
Forefront features Camp A Cappella's own Drew Wheaton!The Ladies Perform At Camp A Cappella
Vintage Mix Live At Camp A Cappella
Make sure to keep checking in to Camp A Cappella on Instagram & Facebook for awesome behind-the-scenes videos you won't find anywhere else!
Barbershop Harmony Society 2016 Champions Forefront Quartet Soundchecking "Dedicated To The One I Love"
Video courtesy of Deke SharonThe Ladies Soundcheck Before the Camp A Cappella Opening Concert
More From Forefront & The Ladies!
This non-auditioned weeklong celebration brings together hundreds of performers, educators, and aca-fans of all ages from across the globe to work with leading professionals in the rapidly flourishing industry that is contemporary a cappella.
Set in the format of a hybrid between fun-filled summer camp and workshop-intensive musical conference, Camp A Cappella is a constant source of music making.
"We've designed Camp A Cappella to be a fun and transformative experience for all attendees regardless of their experience or skill level," said J.D. Frizzell, director of education and marketing for Camp A Cappella. "Everyone leaves talking about how it's the best week of the year!"
Meet The Staff of Camp A Cappella
We don't view Camp A Cappella as a for-profit business. We're happy if we break even. We view it as an opportunity to bring together singers and educators in hopes of making the world a more harmonious place. We also have a great partner in Wright State University, where the School of Music is one of the first in America to include contemporary a cappella in its curriculum.
Duwende's Music Video Shoot @ Camp
Who Doesn't Love A Great "Getting Ready" Montage?!
Video by Rachel ChalhoubSubscribe to the FloVoice Newsletter and never miss a beat!