Exclusive: Ember Releases New Single
Exclusive: Ember Releases New Single
New Baltimore-area group ember is back with single No. 2, a cover of Sabrina Claudio's "Orion's Belt."

Ember hit the streets hard with its first single "Copycat" released on New Year’s Eve.
Now the new Baltimore-area group is back with single No. 2, this time a cover of Sabrina Claudio's "Orion's Belt," a smooth and chilled-out R&B track off of her debut EP "Confidently Lost," which came out in 2017.
The group is comprised of Peabody Institute students, Johns Hopkins University Vocal Chords members and alumni, one former member of the CMU Originals, and beatboxer Match (Michael Wingate). Formed in December 2017, their goal is to “serve as an incubator and quality outlet for Baltimore's most motivated and talented singers and musicians, fill a gap in Baltimore's current market, and help to involve vocal music in an already vibrant music scene,” according to group founder Hansel Romero.
Approaching a cappella from what it wants to see out of the style, ember is focused on creating a “pop-minded and ear-to-the-ground sound."
The official release of "Orion's Belt" is Friday, but here’s an exclusive just for FloVoice fans!
Ember is offering more live streams and digital performances in the near future. The group also has plans to use the songwriting and composition skills of its members to create what will eventually become a completely or near-completely original catalog and live show.